E-Waste Management

India is the fifth largest e-waste producer in the world. Major contributors of e-waste are government organizations, public sector undertakings and private sector companies, constituting about 75% of the total e-waste generated in the country. Meanwhile, 95% of the e-waste is processed by unskilled informal sector.

The rapidly changing pace of technological development often leads to an alarming increase in e-waste as older products become expendable. In 2016, 44.7 million Mt of e-waste was generated globally, according to a United Nations report.

Concerned about the abundance of e-waste and its hazardous effects on the environment, Hand in Hand Inclusive Development and Services (HHIDS) ventured into e-waste management in 2017. Alongside Karo Sambhav, an authorized e-waste Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), HHIDS implements awareness creation activities and also handles procurement, storage and transportation of e-waste to authorized units. This enables our Municipal Solid Waste Management initiatives to be more holistic in nature.